Center for Diversity, Interfaith & 包容
The mission of the Center for Diversity, 跨信仰和包容教育是为了创造一个更包容的校园,让每个人都感到受欢迎, 安全且受尊重.
Student Diversity Training
赌博游戏网站致力于继续建设一个更具包容性的校园,让每个人都感到受欢迎, 安全, 和尊重. 重要的是,每个人都参加我们的多元化培训/教育,以促进更支持性的环境. 我们的教职员工需要完成多元化和包容性培训,并且已经开始了这一旅程. 学生 also play a very important role in creating a sense of belonging on campus. 这些视频和评估将帮助你反思和评估你对多样性和包容性的看法. 他们可能会挑战你,让你更多地思考你是如何接受和与他人互动的. 我们希望它们也能鼓励你对我们社区和更广阔的世界中所有人类的困境持开放的态度和同情.
Click Here To Start Your Training事件档案
添加 删除 Black History Month 2021
2月是黑人历史月,也是庆祝非裔美国人在我们当地社区和州做出的许多贡献的好机会, to this country and to the world. The Center for Diversity, Interfaith and 包容 sponsored several events in recognition of Black History.
添加 删除 Women’s History Month 2021
Student 组织
赌博游戏网站举办了许多学生组织,将亲缘团体的人聚集在一起. More organizations will be 添加ed to this page soon.
添加 删除 B.O.L.D. 男人
B.O.L.D. 给学生一个安全和包容的空间来讨论任何特定于有色人种和/或大学男生的挑战.
添加 删除 BCM – Because Christ Matters
We are here to serve the persons of the university community, both in sharing the Gospel and providing various times of worship, 奖学金, and informal Bible study in a 基督教 的方式. Membership to BCM is open to all 赌博游戏网站 students, faculty and staff. The members do not need be of 基督教 faith, but a general desire to learn needs to be conveyed. 任何在一学年参加至少两次活动的人都将被视为会员. 成为BCM成员的特权是,学生们有机会在一个有趣和吸引人的环境中聚集在一起敬拜和学习. 有会员资格的学生被鼓励参加会议和活动.
添加 删除 The Circle of Sisterhood
姐妹圈在校园为所有女性创造了一个安全的空间,重点关注有色人种女性,在那里学生可以得到支持, and embrace their authentic self.
添加 删除 盟友资源
添加 删除 Additional Diversity Education 资源
添加 删除 跨信仰资源
添加 删除 Transgender 资源
The Center for Diversity, Interfaith & 包含教育 is here to be an ally for our transgender students. 你并不孤单.
Your Coker story is an integral part of our community’s narrative. We recognize that the process of coming out as a transgender person is different, and in some ways more complex, than the experience of coming out as 同性恋, 女同性恋, 或双性恋. Coming out is a unique experience for everyone, 还有科克公司, we want to be supportive throughout your transition.
Remember, you are not alone.
If you need guidance, assistance, or resources, the Center for Diversity, Interfaith & 包含教育 wants to help. Please contact us any time.
The Center for Diversity, Interfaith & 包含教育 offers Safe Zone training sessions throughout the semester. 赌博游戏网站了解更多关于即将到来的研讨会的信息,或者为你的团队安排一个.
从 Human Rights Campaign website:
“对于那些性别认同或天生的性别意识与出生时分配给他们的性别不匹配的人, unraveling and expressing it can be complex and difficult.
本指南旨在帮助您和您所爱的人以现实和实际的方式完成这一过程. 它承认出柜或揭露的经历涵盖了人类情感的全部范围——从瘫痪的恐惧到无限的兴奋. 人权运动基金会希望本指南能帮助你迎接挑战和机遇,让我们每个人都能尽可能真实地生活.”
添加 删除 赌博游戏网站 Statement on Free Speech
赌博游戏网站认为,演讲应该建立在我们共同努力的基础上, 尊重, and to care for all citizens. 言论自由最终会在社会中引发争议,因为他们明白真理是如此复杂,只能以混合的形式出现. Just as the friction between two sticks yields the light of fire, the cacophony of voices that challenge, object, 问题, and critique can bring more light to any issue. 同时, the heart of education is the desire to make the wealth of human knowledge available, to foster new understanding, 支持为全人类创造一个更公正、更公平的世界的思想和行动.
然而, as we look out at the world, 看新闻, 或者阅读社交媒体, 我们可能会对人们所说的话和目前正在发生的行动感到沮丧——这些行动造成了分歧, 侮辱, and demean other people. 南方贫困法律中心记录了针对有色人种的仇恨事件的增加, immigrants and refugees, and people from the 女同性恋, 同性恋, 双性恋, and transgender community. These events are occurring across the world, 在美国, 在南卡罗来纳州, 在大学校园里. 赌博游戏网站 is not immune to this disturbing pattern of behavior.
We do not seek to omit differences among citizens. 正相反, 当那些反对的声音努力说服和提升时,我们重视社区中每个公民带来的不同经历. Diversity edifies this struggle. 我们重视它的潜力,使对话者成为为追求某个目标而共同奋斗的人,而不是对抗者,与对手斗争的人. This can ultimately lead to strength and concord.
Scholarship and education must take place in an atmosphere of civil discourse. We can disagree without 侮辱ing, 冒犯, or hurting other people, but we will not remain silent in the face of intimidation, 嘲笑, 或偏见. Language that debases, 贬低, 嘲笑, 刻板印象, 或轻视他人与科克的教育目标不一致,是不能容忍的. 因此, 大学成员有必要认识并积极抵制言语骚扰和恐吓事件, 是否通过声音, 手势, 社交媒体, 电话或短信, taking place on our campus. This behavior makes others feel unwelcome and is a violation of University policy; it has no place at 赌博游戏网站.
我们每个人都有责任使大学成为一个欢迎和庆祝每个人的基本价值和独特品质的社区. 我们对自己和周围的人都有很高的说话标准——原谅在学习用这种声音说话时不完美的尝试, 但要继续认识到,不同公民的福祉始终是赌博游戏网站民主目标的核心.
For more information on diversity and inclusion please contact Darlene Small, 导演, the Center for Diversity, Interfaith and 包含教育, dsmall@科克.edu, 843-383-8039, LITC 118.
达琳B. Small
导演 of the Center for Diversity, Interfaith, and 包含教育
“I am a Hartsville native. I came to Coker to be the assistant director for off-campus programs (internships, 出国留学, 社区服务, 职业发展). Coker makes a difference by responding to…